Better quality life..
to our loved ones.


How we receive patients in Health Oasis Hospital ?

We receive patient from referral hospitals (King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Ministry of Health)

Can I accompany my patient during his stay at Health Oasis Hospital ?

Yes one sitter is permitted to set with the patient except for intensive care units

What are the conditions required to be able to accompany my patient ?

There are some conditions and forms required to be filled out by the patient relations officer so that you can obtain a card, including full accommodation with the patient and the safety and health of physical and psychological of the sitter and the approval of his employer

How can I request a meeting or communicate with the medical team during the period of hospitalization?

You can meet the doctor during his daily tour of patients or by requesting a meeting with the medical team in coordination with patient relations

What is the visiting hours?

Our visiting hours 1 PM – 9:30 PM

Quick Contact


King Abdullah Rd, Al Wahah, Riyadh 12451, Saudi Arabia

For any emergency, contact

(011) 494 - 4141

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