World of media speaks
about Health Oasis

Media Center

The Media Center at the Health Oasis Hospital is responsible for the media production It organizes, executes and produces documentary media of all kinds, advertisements and publications, as well as providing the external parties with accurate news, statistics and documented information about the hospital.

The Media Center at the Oasis Health Hospital aims to highlight the hospital’s efforts and activities, also spread a culture of awareness and education through the media.

Recent News and Events
  • لزوار والمرافقين الكرام

    صحة مريضنا وسلامته على رأس أولوياتنا تماشياً مع الأمر السامي الكريم وتوجيهات وزارة الصحة في الحد من التجمعات والخروج قدر الإمكان وفي حدود الضرورة القصوى...More

    April, 2020
  • 9th Annual forum for medical research

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Saepe dolorum voluptas laborum quo impedit at, doloremque illo aliquid repudiandae corporis iusto, numquam deleniti dolore eaque...More

    January, 2019

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King Abdullah Rd, Al Wahah, Riyadh 12451, Saudi Arabia

For any emergency, contact

(011) 494 - 4141

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