The Dream of Health Oasis Hospital as a state-of-the-art long term and geriatrics facility started in 2005-2006. Ideas were brain-stormed and multiple long term facilities in Europe and North America were visited for references, as such services were not existing in Saudi Arabia. Experts on this field were consulted too. Thus; the birth of the vision for 2006-2009 state-of-the-art long term and geriatrics facility: the first in the Kingdom.
In 2010-2011, trial opening was started to test the efficiency of the system, as we want to be the role model of such services in the Kingdom.In January 2012, official opening phase started with almost full occupancy within one year as we have referral from our prestigious partner hospitals that need our specialized services such as KFSH&RC, PSMMC, KFMC and MOH.
Quick Contact
King Abdullah Rd, Al Wahah, Riyadh 12451, Saudi Arabia