To receive a clear explanation of his / her rights and responsibilities.
To receive the necessary care according to his / her health condition.
To know the name of the treating physician, including the specialization and the ways on how to contact him / her.
To consider and respect patients information confidentiality.
To have safe environment and treatment.
To be treated with full respect.
To refuse or discontinue any treatment after receiving a thorough explanation, including the consequences of proceeding or not proceeding with the procedure. However, the hospital will not be held liable for any result.
To have an interpreter to communicate if necessary.
To have a written consent before carrying out any medical or surgical procedure.
To refuse to participate in any Medical Research.
To be informed of the treatment plan with the treating physician, or in any change in the treatment plan, as well as, on resident’s condition.
To receive instructions, education and guidance specific for the prescribed medications and diets.
To be not physically exposed when unnecessary for examination.
To have a compassionate and dignified nursing and medical care of the dying and the dead body.
To obtain a continuous and organized care and referral to different treatment levels or facilities if his / her condition requires it.
To be provided with proper means to contact his / her family.
To obtain a discharge summary about his / her health condition at the time of discharge from the hospital.
To submit a verbal or written complains or suggestions to Health Oasis Hospital administration.
To obtain a second opinion if requested.
Quick Contact
King Abdullah Rd, Al Wahah, Riyadh 12451, Saudi Arabia